
最好的护士是那些感觉自己被召唤到现场并真正想要帮助的人, 治疗和服务他人. In our nursing program, you’ll explore concepts of empathy, compassion and servant leadership. You’ll engage in a proven curriculum and train with state-of-the-art lab and simulation facilities. 这样你就可以为病人提供更高水平的护理.





我们的四年课程为学生提供全面的护理专业方法. 你将在大二开始学习护理课程. 你将有很多机会在当地医院应用你所学到的知识, clinics and community outreach programs to needy communities around the world through the 护理学院 and PBA’s Gregory Center for Medical Missions. A number of area hospitals offer internship programs including the VA’s summer Valor Program, 在你顺利完成大三第一学期的学习之后, 你有资格在大多数地方医院做护士技术员.


PBA’s BSN nursing program prepares graduates to sit for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), 美国护士执照的全国性考试.  在美国,通过考试是获得护士执照的先决条件.




规划你的道路. 开启推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您.



PBA is known throughout the region for the quality of nursing graduates we produce each year. This is a result of our proven curriculum and exceptional instructors who serve as students’ mentors and bring decades of real-world experience. 其他特点包括:

  • 将其人化的经验—concepts of faith and biblical principles are at the center of everything nursing students experience.
  • 全面的方法-我们坚信, 教我们的学生, that true healthcare involves sociocultural understanding and spiritual encouragement in addition to the physical.
  • 先进实验室与技术—you will benefit from training with the most advanced nursing lab technologies and patient simulation resources, 准备让你在第一天就成功.
  • 个性化的学习—you will be guided by expert faculty who bring years of nursing experience at places such as Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center; Bethesda Memorial Hospital in Boynton Beach, Florida; Good Samaritan Medical Center.



1. 新生直接录取

High School Students applying for 新生直接录取 只有 need apply to the university and indicate nursing as their major. 招生 will send qualified applicants a link to the web page form with the additional information required. 名额有限,所以鼓励尽早申请. Those accepted as 新生直接录取 students do 不 need to apply again to the Upper Division as long as they maintain an overall GPA of 3.0或更高.


2. 保证录取

Only students who entered PBA as freshman (or directly from high school) are eligible for 保证录取.

目前是推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您的学生 who meet the following criteria receive 保证录取 to the Upper Division Nursing Major.

  • 大一第一学期就开始在PBA工作(虽然你可能会花上几个小时)
  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 3.理科/数学平均成绩0 +
  • 个人总分74分以上
  • 在10月1日截止日期前申请并满足所有入学标准

定期竞争性招生 最低 要求:

  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 2.7 +理科/数学GPA
  • 个人总分68分.7 +(推荐74+有竞争力)

*GPA是指必修课的GPA,而不是总GPA. This is designed to encourage students to take difficult science classes without fearing that they will hurt their chances of acceptance.


3. 竞争应用说明

  1. Currently enrolled lower division students will fill out a form on myPBA > 学校 > Nursing. (需要登录)
  2. 直接转入高年级的学生(持有AA或学士学位). 如果没有被录取,请在这里申请.


  1. 基本学术技能测试(tea)
  2. 转学生需要两份推荐信(学术或专业)
  3. 成绩单(所有就读的学院或大学)
  4. Students applying to lower division (sometimes called “pre-nursing”) simply apply to the university.


  • 护理课程有两个切入点, 一次在秋季学期,一次在春季学期. 45-50 students will be accepted to form each new cohort which will graduate 5 semesters later.
  • 秋季和春季都有滚动入场
    • 提交ting your application for Spring start by October 1 provides the best chance of acceptance.
    • 提交ting your application for Fall start by May 1 provides the best chance of acceptance.
  • 如果你被录取了,你有两周的时间来决定是否接受
  • 学生必须完成背景调查, 指纹, and drug screen by the date indicated in the acceptance letter in order to confirm acceptance.
  • 所有的录取都是临时的, with full acceptance being contingent upon passing the first three nursing courses and completing all other outstanding prerequisite courses.
  • 如果你是PBA的新手, 然后你需要提交健康史和身体健康. All students will be required to comply with our hospital partners’ requirements as presented in the American Databank Compliance Tracker which you will be required to sign up for. 这包括, 除此之外, 最新的MMR疫苗, 水痘, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗, 乙型肝炎和流感(季节性)


Only students who entered PBA as freshman (or directly from high school) are eligible for 保证录取.

目前是推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您的学生 who meet the following criteria receive 保证录取 to the Upper Division Nursing Major.

  • 大一第一学期就开始在PBA工作(虽然你可能会花上几个小时)
  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 3.理科/数学平均成绩0+
  • 个人总分74分以上
  •  申请并符合上述所有录取标准 截止日期为10月1日 大二的时候.

定期竞争性招生 最低 要求:

  • 3.必修课平均成绩0 +
  • 2.75 +理科/数学GPA
  • 个人总分68分.7 +(推荐74+有竞争力)

*GPA是指必修课的GPA,而不是总GPA. This is designed to encourage students to take difficult science classes without fearing that they will hurt their chances of acceptance.


转A.A. 大学学历(或本科以上学历)

  • 申请高级部门可在春季和秋季开始.
  • 你需要拿A.A. degree conferred by the beginning of the first semester of Nursing school if you are accepted into the program.
  • PBA使用tea考试(版本6)作为其入学考试 . 考试只参加三次,考试间隔30天.
  • Application to the Upper Division means that you have completed or are in progress in the following courses:
  • 普通心理学
  • 生命周期发展(人类成长与发展)
  • 化学原理/实验室
  • 人体解剖学 & 生理学1 /实验室
  • 人体解剖学 & 生理学II带实验室
  • 微生物学/实验室
  • 营养
  • 统计数据

*除一门课程外,所有课程必须在项目入学前完成. 在申请过程中,你仍然可以注册这些课程.


  • 申请入读大学.
  • 提交成绩单
  • 通过电话预约招生顾问,了解基本的学位计划

护理的机会 & 结果

The 护理学院 has a vast range of opportunities for both our students and our graduates.  从学生俱乐部和组织到实习和实习,你都可以参与其中!


Graduates of the program are ready to sit for the national licensing exam in order to obtain their RN license and begin careers in the various fields of nursing. 许多项目的校友还会攻读研究生学位. 建国以来, PBA nursing graduates have achieved an average pass rate of 93% on the national licensure exam, 并受雇于全国各地受人尊敬的医疗机构, 其中包括:

  • 杜克医学中心
  • 范德比尔特大学医学中心
  • 克利夫兰诊所
  • 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您社区健康诊所
  • 亚特兰大埃默里医疗保健公司
  • 佛罗里达癌症专家
  • 佛罗里达州卫生部
  • 朱庇特医疗集团
  • 马库斯神经科学研究所
  • 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您心脏病学
  • St. 玛丽医疗中心
  • 团队健康


推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您是 不 官方的tea测试站点.  实施tea测试 只有 for currently enrolled lower division nursing or transfer students who have applied to the Nursing Program .



  •  考试仅限于当前在读的PBA学生和当前申请人.  如果你目前不是PBA学生,你可以在网上搜索考试地点 ATI的网站
  • Enrolled students should go to myPBA>学校>Nursing to view the latest 茶 schedule.


  • 提前学习和准备
  • 考试前一晚睡个好觉
  • 考试当天吃早餐或午餐
  • 去 www.atitesting.com 创建一个学生账户. 将您的登录信息带到测试中. (如果你没有带这些信息来参加考试,你将不得不重新安排时间!)
  • 应用 to the Upper Division by going to myPBA/学校/Nursing and clicking on the Upper Division BSN Program application link


  • 由于新冠肺炎疫情,该测试目前由第三方公司远程监考. 详情请联系 Nursing@westerlyspine.com . 请在主题栏写上茶

PBA awards over three million dollars in scholarships every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive financial aid.


“他们真的让我们成为了出类拔萃的护士. 它不仅使你成为一名杰出的护士,而且使你成为一个杰出的人.”



  • 学术教育
  • 临床教育家
  • 飞行护士
  • 法医护士
  • 法定护士顾问
  • 护士研究员
  • 注册护士
  • 远程医疗护理
  • 旅行护士



电话: (561) 803-2100


护理,B.S.N. (R.N. B.S.N. 在线)

你的光芒,专注和坚强,正是这个世界所需要的. 这个程序可以帮助你做更多, preparing you to serve the world at a higher level with a baccalaureate degree (BSN) in nursing. At PBA, we offer guidance that focuses on biblical, 历史, theoretical and practical studies. 再加上我们蓬勃发展的社区关系, 我们帮助你发展技能,发挥你的潜力,成为一个更聪明的你.



Our Master of Science Nursing program will help you advance your professional status with a respected academic credential that will position you to become a leader wherever your work life takes you. 专注于圣经, 历史, 理论和实践研究,并为您提供许多抢手的技能.


护理,B.S.N. (上层轨道)

最好的护士是那些感觉自己被召唤到现场并真正想要帮助的人, 治疗和服务他人. In our nursing program, you’ll explore concepts of empathy, compassion and servant leadership. You’ll engage in a proven curriculum and train with state-of-the-art simulation facilities. 这样你就可以为病人提供更高水平的护理.